PharmaLex Materiality

The world today is shifting towards sustainable development to efficiently tackle challenges and risk. Businesses being no exception, are much concerned about sustainable operation in-order to create long term value for their organizations. We believe that materiality assessment is an integral part of our sustainability journey. The principle of materiality refers to analyzing our significant Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues that substantively influence the decisions of stakeholders and are required to be addressed by the business. The formal exercise of identifying and prioritizing ESG issues that are most significant to us was carried out in the company and we have been constantly focusing on our key material issues to create a positive impact on communities and to build a sustainable business.

We have divided our key material issues into three categories ESG (Enviormental, Social & Governance)


  • Energy
  • Climate Action with clients
  • Water
  • GHG Emissions
  • Waste and Recycling


  • Talent attraction and retention
  • Employee working conditions
  • Health and Safety
  • Employee engagement
  • Diversity, equality and inclusion
  • Learning and development
  • Human Rights
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Data Privacy and Information Security
  • Local Communities


  • Business ethics and integrity
  • Economic Performance
  • Digital Innovation
  • Regulatory compliance

Our materiality matrix helps us in prioritizing those materials topics which of utmost importance to stakeholders and have the biggest impact on business.

Materiality assessment report
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